Friday, September 12, 2008


I'm not a perfect personThere's many things I wish I didn't doBut I continue learningI never meant to do those things to youAnd so I have to say before I goThat I just want you to knowI've found a reason for meTo change who I used to beA reason to start over newand the reason is youI'm sorry that I hurt youIt's something I must live with every dayAnd all the pain I put you throughI wish that I could take it all awayAnd be the one who catches all your tearsThat's why I need you to hearI've found a reason for meTo change who I used to beA reason to start over newand the reason is you [x4]I'm not a perfect personI never meant to do those things to youAnd so I have to say before I goThat I just want you to knowI've found a reason for meTo change who I used to beA reason to start over newand the reason is youI've found a reason to showA side of me you didn't knowA reason for all that I doAnd the reason is you....

This song by "HOOBASTANK".

I like this song because this song is rock style that I like to listen to it. The melody of this song it makes me has the power. For example, when I listened to this song, I have an opinion to do something because the main lyric of this song told about the important reason to change anything that did not happen before. I can do anything or change myself to be another one that it is different from me before. This is my favorite sentence in this song “I have found a reason for me to change who I used to be. A reason to start over new and the reason is you. It told me about someone who has more effective to me who can change me to be another one or to do anything. If you want to listen to this song, you can use this link or search the word "the reason" in

Sunday, August 31, 2008


The communication is very important for people because when you want to do something, you can not do it by yourself and you need the help from other people. So you have to communication to other people.
In the past, there is the communication is happened for a long time until now. The communication can make everybody to understand together. The communication is an anything in your life because to communication can show that what do you want? , How do you feel? , What do you think? There are many methods to communication to each other. For example, talk, act, write, listen or etc. In my opinion, the most method that people use to communicate to each other is talking. You can see by everybody begin to talk since they are the babies. Talking is the most way that use from the past until now. It is very easy to communication. Talking can show anything what you want anybody to know. Now, there are technologies that develop to involve to the communication of people because now a day, there are the programs to chat, web site to search anything what they want to know. They can communication to each other without talking together by they did not see to each other or they can do this if they did not live at the same country. For example, John lives in America. He has friend at Thailand, his name is Aum. He wants to talk to him but he does not want to telephone to Thailand because it is very expensive so they use the program to chat on the internet. The internet is the most popular program to communication over the world. Everybody who use the internet, most of them are knowledge because they can find anything that they want to know because on the internet, there are a lot of information from many people that they post it or people who have knowledge want any people to know. For example, Bill, he is the student. He wants the information to do his work so he uses the internet to search about his work and then he can finish his report. Today, the internet comes to our life in everyday. Some people use the internet to communication to other people more than talking to other people. Now the internet is the way to communication to each other because many of teenager or people, they like to use the computer and they like to chat very much so you can see on the internet café, there are many students on there and most of them they have the e-mail address to chat to each other but to chat on the internet, sometime it can not show or answer that you want because when you have the conversation to other people, you can see the face or act that show something to you and make you to understand but to chat, you can not see like that.
The communication is everything and it is very important in our life because the communication, it shows everything to everybody that what the people who talk want the people who listen to understand.

Friday, August 22, 2008


Imagine is very important for our life because to live in the world, we need to have many of factor living. Such as, food, water, environment, imagine. Imagine can make we free from anything.
You can see many things around you such as, car, airplane, computer, telephone, and etc. All of them were produced by people who have an idea and imagine. Imagine is the main factor that can make people have an idea. They continue to make the new things. For example, in past there were two people saw the bird and they wanted to fly like a bird so they imagined how they can fly like that. They needed to make the machine with has a wing and airscrew to fly. You can see, if they did not imagine how can they fly like a bird and how to make the machine, today we will not have an airplane to fly to many place. All of people have their own imagine and many imagine of them are different. Some they imagine that they can go outside the world by themselves. Some they imagine that they can fly by themselves without the machine but they have their wings. The imagination is very important for life because if they have an imagination to do something, it will have more motivate to do it and make it to be the best. But if they have no imagination to do something, it will make their life bad and they will become bad people or people who do not have an idea or fool person. The imagine can make you smart because when you are studying and you do not understand what the teacher teach you, you have to imagine what the teacher teach to be your method. For example, you are studying biology and you do not understand so you imagine that biology to be the one situation that had happen, it will help you to understand easier than no imagine. Imagine can make everything if you try to do it because imagine is the cause of factor to have anything in the world. For example, movie, game, and etc. But the imagine can not conclude that is good because some people who are bad so they have the bad idea and imagine, they will use it in the wrong way. Such as, terrorist, thief, people who corruption. Imagine has two ways. First, the right way, if you have the good imagine, your life will be better. For example, you have an imagination that you travel around the world and you like it very much so it will make your mind go up. Then your life will be better. You can do your work very well too. Second, the wrong way, if you have an imagination with bad way, your life will be bad. You can not do anything to be good because you did not have the motivation and you only think about that. You do not have the concentrate to do it. For example, you are broken hearted by your girlfriend so you only think that how could she do it with you? That is the cause to make you sad and you life become badly and badly. You can not do anything.
Imagine is the best thing that happen in our life because it can make anything that is useful for people but it is depend on us that how can we make our imagine to be true.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Khunying Potjaman’s court case

No one think that today someone who is the wife of the old Prime minister “Mr. Taksin Shinawat” is Khunying Potjaman was judgement by the criminal court with Mr. Banapot Damapong.
The case, Mr. Taksin, Khinying Potjaman, and other three people were accused in tax dodger case at Shin computer and Communication Company. They were dodger in tax about 546,000,000 baht. This is illegal in Thailand that everybody have to pay for money who is Thai people because it is show that you are Thai people and you have a job and everybody are quits to each other. In my opinion, this case is very seriously because it will show that Thai legal is not hallowed because she did not care and did not do what she has to do. In Thailand, we charge tax by anyone who has a job. We court from their salary. For example, there are two people who have the money that they earn for their job in different from salary. Mr. A earn the money more than Mr. B so Mr. A has to pay tax more than Mr. B. it is the same case like Khunying Potjaman’s case. You can accountability by their job. Now Khunying Potjaman and Mr. Banapot Damapong were turn down with the tax dodger case. The three accused asked for permission to the court for investigate. After this case, there is the Olympic game. So Khunying Potjaman and Mr. Taksin Shinawat were allowed by the court to go to the Olympic inauguration. The court had the subpoena they to come back to Thailand to adjudicated by the court but Khunying Potjaman and Mr. Taksin Shinawat went to England. They did not do what they have to do. Now there is the subpoena for them to come back to Thailand. I think now they are unlucky because they were confiscable with some money in the bank. Khunying Potjaman used to be a lucky person in Thailand before but now she is unlucky. If I were Mr. Taksin, I would travel around the world. I do not have to work.
Some people in Thailand hate them because they do not respect the legal. They did anything if that thing is good for them and other people who are friend of them. You can see by there is demonstrate against. Today, no one knows why Mr. Taksin and Khunying Potjaman did not come back to Thailand. Some people said “it did not fair for them” On the other, some people said “They fair”. I think it was not good because it will make Thai people look like bad guy because he was the old Prime minister of Thailand but now he look like the bad guy for today too.
Thai people do not have the answer for Khunying Potjaman and her family what they have to do because they escape the court from Thailand to live in England but now there was the subpoena from the court.

Saturday, August 9, 2008


Olympic is the name of the important sport competition in the world that many people in the world have to come and they are competition to each other. Olympic game is the old game that it is occur for a long time.
The original Olympic game were first record in776 BC in Olympia, Greece. The Olympic game was occur 29 times. This time, the Olympic game is at Beijing, china during 8 August 2008 to 24 August 2008. This is the third time that Olympic game was happened in Asia. First, it was at Tokyo, Japan, then at Seoul, Korea. The Olympic game, there are many of people who are good at in sport from many kind of sports and they come from many country to competition to each other. Some of them said “I want to prove myself to make everybody know that I can do it”. Some of them said “I love my country so I will do it very well for my country”. In my opinion, the Olympic game, it makes everybody in the world will harmony to each other because in the Olympic or general game or the standard rule of the game in the world are win or lose. If you were the athlete in game and you win. How do you feel? , what would you do? In the other way, you lose the game so what would you do? , how do you feel? So this is the question that everybody who is the athlete, they have to know. For example, first, if you win the game, you go to the other people and say it is Ok. You said to him with polite. Do not lunch with him, say to him “you can compete it with me again. So that guy would be nice with you too. He will have relationship with you by be friend. Second, if you lose the game, you have to think you are not good at enough for this game, come back home and try to improve your skill. But the important thing is to forgive to another people who make you lose the game. Do not forget it. The Olympic is the world game that there are many kind of sport. For example, swim, football, tennis, and etc. so basically it is difficult to entry and difficult to win and get the gold medal because everybody who are the athlete come from many place in the world. They are good at in sport. They think they have to win to prove them and show everybody that their country is monumental and they will make many country in the world know it. The emblem of Olympic is the flag that have five circles inside it. There are five color of the circles are blue, yellow, black, green, and red. It is mean five continents in the world.
The Olympic is the important game for everybody in the world that show people can do it, people can accept it, people can enjoy for it or etc. but the most important thing for the cause to make Olympic game is harmony because everybody need the harmony to live together. If there is no harmony so no friend.

Sunday, July 13, 2008


When you sleep, there is some imagine about many thing that are happening while you are sleeping that is call “Dream”. The dream, there are two kind of it. First, the good dream. Second, the bad dream.
First, the good dream is you are sleeping and you dream, you imaging in the good thing that happen to you or you do the good thing for yourself or to other people. For example, you dream that you are the good guy and you are helping people who need you to help him. Second, the bad dream is there are the bad things that happen to you in your dream, hurt you or make you to let you down, or etc. that all are the bad for you. For example, you dream about while you are on the road and then there is the one car crush you and you hurt or you need to go to the hospital or you die. The two kind of dream are happen all of the people in the world. Some people think when you have the bad dream last night, today you will unlucky and that is the important reason for life because when you know something that bad to you, maybe you shock or you lose your self confident. My brother, he is a good example. He dream that he drove the car and he crush to the other car and he hurt very much so tomorrow morning when my brother and I went out to have breakfast outside, he told me that “Sam today you drive” I asked him back “Why” he answered me “because last night I had the bad dream. I dream I drove a car on the road and crush to the other car. So to the best way to do, I give you a key to drive the car for today because I lose my self confident. You can see by this example that the dream can make people fear or brave. The another example about the good dream. In Thailand, when you dream, in the dream you see a number maybe four or seven then you think that someone told you this is a lucky number so when you wake up in the morning, you go to buy the lottery which it has number four or number seven because you think this is a lucky number that can make you win the lottery. Maybe you can not but in the best way, people have to think if there are two ways to choose, which way is the best way for them to choose. So it is the same at the example because the number four or number seven maybe it is not the lottery number but it is a number of your money that you have in your pocket.
In my opinion, Although in my dream, there is bad dream that happen to me but I do not care about it because it just only dream. I think the dream is happen by the brain that on the day we think a lot of thing and there is something that you think many time and your brain is remember it then your brain keep it to continue your thinking.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

A right to die

Today, everybody has a right to do anything or not to do anything under the law while their government uses it. For example, people have a right to live in their country, people have a right to have a car, people have a right to make a living will. So everybody can do anything what they want to do by under the law.
Everybody has their right to do. There are many rights to do or have something but when they use their right must be legal at their law and everybody please it but some of a right, there are some people are not agree because they saw it look like murder. Such as, “A right to die” is people or someone make a living will to make everybody know that he or she wants to die when he or she is in critical condition because he or she wants to help him or her leave from the world in a peaceful manner, he or she does not want to suffer. Some people do agree because if some people are in a critical condition and he or she has already make a living will to show to everybody that he or she want to die in a peaceful manner, he or she does not want to die in suffer because that person have some reason for a right to die. Such as, if some people is a father and he has already make a living will. So what did his son do with his father if his father is in the coma. He will do what his father wants to be because he loves his father, he does not want his father to suffer although his son his father very much but he need to do what his father wants. In my opinion this is right way to do about this case because if you were that son in the case, what would you do to make your father to be happy and dies not suffer. Everybody has their own right no one can not use it. They should respect the decision of his own and this method is not illegal because they make a living will that was legal under their law.
A right to die is a right for everyone under the law. If they make a living will, it is a legally. A right, it has in everybody but how many right do the people use in the right way?

Sunday, July 6, 2008

My Favorite car

Now a day, the technologies are improved. The machine is better than the other in past. In the people’s opinion, they have the favorite car in their mind. For example, Mr. Top like to drive Toyota but almost of them, they have no chance to drive their favorite car because it is depend to many thing.
My favorite car is the Ferrari car. It is very very expensive. Some people can get the Ferrari car by easy but some people can not get it in their life because it is depend on their job, how much money that they earn it? For example, Mr. Paradorn Srichaphan, he is the first tennis player in Thailand. He can buy the Ferrari car very easy because he earned the money from his job. In my opinion, the Ferrari car is the car in the world because you can see by there are many style of the Ferrari cars were produced and about the cost of them. It is the famous band car from the past. The first Ferrari car was produced. It did not famous and it could not sold because that car was the new style and people in that time had not seen the style like it yet. It is so different that make people in the time like it but when time past, some people, they had the new vision and they were interested in the Ferrari car. Then the Ferrari car became famous car in the world but there are many sport car are produced to sell and they are competition it together. I think the Ferrari car is the best car and it is the most my favorite car that I like. In the future, I think when I can get a good job and I can earn so much money, I will keep my money to buy the Ferrari car first. I like the red color so my car that I will buy it will be red color too. And that car would be the sport car is the car that can sit only two persons. But now I think “if I buy the Ferrari car, I will spend more money because of gasoline cost is go up and go up. So the Ferrari car is the fast car and it use more gasoline.
In our of the mind of everybody, they have their car and they would like to get it but it is depend on themselves that how can you get it? Such as, keep the money, and etc. But remember it is only dream. The truth will happen in the future and no one can not know that what will happen in the future?.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Study more effectively

Study is the way that all of the people in the world need because study can make people who study to be clever and certainly if you are hard working or more study, you will be the clever person.
How can I study more effectively. Every student have their own learning style because may be it is depend on their habit or about something that can make their to have own learning style. Such as, the person A like to study by give an example to make him to understand. The person B like to read and study by the meaning of the word to make him to understand. For me I think “how to study more effectively” are First, try to develop an interest in the subject because if you are not interested in the subject, you will not have attention on it and you will get lose in that subject but if you are interested in the subject, you will have an attention on it and you will like to study it and do it very well. For example, you are interested in English subject then you like to study it and after you finish study, you have to read the story with English language or find out the activity to do because you like it and you want to do it. Second, prepare yourself before you are going to study by read that subject or do the activity or find out the meaning of the word. For example, you prepare yourself by read the text about Law subject at night and try to understand it then tomorrow, you study that subject. When the teacher talked, you will understand it by quick more than other person. Third, after you studied when you come back home, you have to read and repeat that what this subject or the story talk about and what is the teacher told in the story. After that, you have to make notes about the main idea that you find or remember or mark the word to make the prominent point that is important. Forth, when you are studying, you have to concentrate and only listen to the teacher. Do not play or do something else between you are learning and the teacher is teaching. Fifth, ask to yourself questions to help you to understand that story or the subject. For example, you study about science subject then you make that question by yourself that “Why it was happen? What is this? Or etc.” After that, you have to ask the teacher or find out by yourself in the library or the book and on the internet. The last, try to think and make many ideas to improve you to study may be ask to the other people who is good at for studying or try it by yourself then you have to bring the new idea and old idea that you used to use and make it to be together. I think “this is good to develop your knowledge and study.
I think “to study more effectively” it depend on yourself that how much that you have an attention to study. Because if you have already an attention to study, there are many ideas and methods will come up to help you to study more effectively.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

How can I improve my reading skill.

Now a day, most of people in world, they do not like to read a lot because most of them tell “reading is very boring” and some people have a short concentrate to read or do something and most of people like to do more than sit on the chair and stay in the room and reading because I think if you are reading, you only sit and sit. It is very boring but if you work or do something outside or inside. It makes you to enjoy more than reading.
Reading is very important because reading can make you have more knowledge. Reading can make you see anything with wide vision. I think these are the methods to improve reading. First, keep in practice. For example, when you have to improve something in your skill, you should to do it very often that can make you to easy to do it again. Such as, playing game but you do not good at for game. If you play game everyday or very often that will make you to improve and finally you will good at for that game like to improve reading if you keep in practice everyday, you will good at. Second, you have to think or make the idea or technique more than one because the problem, it has to have many ways to solve. For example, when you are reading a book, you see the main idea. You should to write it on the paper that can make you to easy to understand and make you have reading speed because if you know what is the main idea and then you finish reading and you can not remember the main idea or something that it is very important, you have to read it again. Third, you have to know more vocabularies because if you do not know vocabulary when you read a book or something, you can not get the main idea or something and you will not understand it. You have to increase the vocabulary. When you do not know at this vocabulary while you are reading, you should to use the dictionary to find the meaning of the word and make note for it to recognize that word. The vocabulary is very important to improve reading because to understand the story or something that you read, need to have more vocabularies. But if you are reading something and you find the vocabulary that you do not know and you do not have the dictionary, you should to use the word around that vocabulary and the sentence to guess the meaning of the word.
All of the methods that I show you it is the one is very important and it is the most effective to read is to make your mind to know that you love to read, you are already to read, you want to read it and then you will have a concentrate to read. You can get the information from reading because when you make your mind to do something, the thing that you do will be good.

Saturday, May 31, 2008


ฟรี! รูปภาพไม่จำกัดที่ Host
Koh-talu is mean the island where you can see though from this side to the other side. There are many islands like this in Thailand but this island is different because of there is more natural and it is the private island.
In summer, the weather is so hot so there are many people have a break for summer to go some where that can make their and their family to relax and be happy. So Koh-talu is the one of their place to relax where my family likes to go too. Koh-talu is located in Prachuap Khiri Khan province so that is not far from my house in Petchburi province. We took for three hour to go there. We went on Koh-talu on May 22, 2008 and came back on May 23, 2008. We stayed there only one night. On Koh-talu, there are many activities to do. For example, sailing, boat, diving and swimming in the sea. The first day we went, my father, my brother and I were sailing to Koh-talu, It took time about one hour so a long time because my mother was took a speed boat about 15 minutes. Between we were sailng, there are storm. I did not know it is good luck or bad luck because when there are storm in the sea it has a big wind so we can sailing faster it make we were very enjoyed and funny. Then my brother and I went for a walked on the white beach. After that, we had lunch it was a delicious food. We did not care about the food because we did not order them. The worker on there order them to us. Then we took a lot of photos. On night, it is the place forprople who like to travel by nature becauseon Koh-talu, there are no place to travel on night like Phuket island. It is only the nature and nature. It is very clean island. If you go, you can see the white beach on there and the moon light and many star in the sky. I like this island very much because I like to travel on nature. On May 23, 2008, In the morning, my brother and I went for snokkering. In the sea I saw many sea life. For example, beautiful fish, sea annemony, coral, and etc. we were very enjoyed. Then my brother and I went to Kar-yak. It is a boat but we did not took for a long time because the weather is so hot it make my skin will become black color and we were very tired. After that I was sit on beach for a long time and took a photo. The weather is so hot but there are wind too. It make me fresh. Then we had lunch and came back home.
I think Koh-talu is the best place in Thailand that I like to go because there are more nature that I like and it is the private island. I like this island very much and I was very enjoyed and funny when I was on there.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

My favorite cartoon

Many children and many people in the world, they all have their own favorite cartoon. For example, Conan, Snowhite and seven dwarfs, and Doraemon but I think “most of cartoons in the world, there is the one that is the most popular is Japanese cartoon.” You can see it very easy. Such as in Thailand, most of student and many children like to watch the Japanese cartoons because I think the Japanese cartoons are strange and more fantasy that make many people like it. So it is same to me. My favorite cartoon is the Japanese cartoon too. The cartoon is name “Doraemon”. He is a cat robot in the blue color. He has a big circle head and short legs. He has a little red circle nose and two big eyes and no ears. He comes from twenty two century. He back to the past because the grand son of Dobita; he wear glasses. He is a weak boy. He has short hair. But he is a very kind boy. He is the one of the main character in this cartoon ask to Doraemon for help his grand father (Doraemon). Doraemon has the bag on his stomach. This bag is special because this bag can keep anything and the things inside his bag is special too because everything in his bag are come from twenty two century so they are more modern and have more technology. The story of this cartoon, there are many episodes. But the same thing that was happened in this cartoon is Dobita. He was teased by Giant; the charator in this story too. He is a big boy and everybody are very afraid him. So when Dobita was teased by Giant, he will come back home with crying to ask Doraemon for help. Then Doraemon give the special thing that come from his bag and twenty two century to Dobita to revenge. Doraemon is very afraid to rat. I think it is very strange because he is a cat. The cat does not afraid to rat but he does because the first time when he had just finish about the process of produce Doraemon robot. He had the two beautiful ears but the terrible thing that was happened to him is while he was sleeping, the rat went out of their house to find some food but on these is the industry of robot no people. So there is no food too. When rat saw his beautiful ears, it thought it is a food. So the rat ate it. When Doraemon got up, he was very sad and he was very afraid to rat because he think the rat will attack to him again.
So I think Doraemon becomes to my favorite cartoon because the first my brother like it. Second when I watch this cartoon, I feel funny and I can get more ideas from this cartoon. The last reason is Doraemon cartoon has popular since it was thought and published on the books and television.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Freedom of speech in Thailand

In our world, people can think and talk anything that they want. Such as, people in Thailand they can share their idea together by talking because in Thailand, there is the freedom of speech.
In Thailand is governed by democracy system that is the cause of freedom of speech. I think it is good and fair for everybody to talk, to think and to do it. Freedom of speech is means the freedom about ideas, think, talk and share it together. So if each our country has freedom for talking, thinking, and ideas that will improve our country very much because the country is improve by people in their country. If people in their country have freedom of speech, they can think, can have an idea, and they can talk by freedom. They do not need to afraid about what they thought, talked. The government in their country will have more ideas and many methods to improve their country and they can solve the problem what had happen in their country very well. But if any country have no freedom of speech, they can not improve and solve the problem that had happen because if that country, there is no freedom of speech is like a one person think, solve and improve by himself but if the country, there is freedom of speech is like many people or the group of people come to share and join their ideas to solve and improve their country and they can choose the best method to do it.
In Thailand there is the culture about the King for their people. They can think about the King but they can not talk it in the bad way because in Thailand can not talk or make the King to has the bad news that I agree because I love the King too and I do not want anybody to talk about my King in the bad way. If some one do like that, he/she will be punished by heavy punishment because most of people in Thailand do not want anyone in the world talk about their King in the bad way too.
Freedom of speech is good but you have to be careful very much because if you talk with other people by without the idea or think before what should they talk or should not talk. It will be many things come back to you. For example, the fat girl who does not like everybody tells her that she is very fat girl. If you tell her like that then she will angry you and she will not be friend with you. It is good for you and your country if you think that is good or bad before you talk to everybody or other people. For example, there is the girl and she get the job with earn low money and you do not to her that she is the pool girl. It will make you look good from other people.
So freedom of speech is good for you, other people and your country if you talk with thinking before. This is very important.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

...Friends at ABAC...

The word “friend” is when we call other people that close to us or they have relation to us too. The meaning of the word that we call “friend” is mean some people or any people who help, do and play with us together. I think there are three kinds of friends that everybody known. First friend is normal friend. It means people who live, talk and involve to us. The second friend is fake friends. It means people who come to us and they pretend to be the good person. They would do the good thing that will show us he is a good man but when he did not live or stay with us. He maybe talks the bad thing about us or does something that is bad for us or the second friend is hope about in our money. They did not care about how we would be if they have done anything that made us become in trouble. You must not care and involve anymore about him. This is the two kind of friend that I refer to you at the title of this journal. The last kind of friend that I think is the true friend who will do anything if is to benefit with us, who will help us when we have problem, who will stand with us at the least of the time that we have. The true friend is the best friend of our friend that we have in our life. I think this of friend “true friend” is difficult to find. Someone can but someone can not. In our world, there are more normal friends than true friends. I am a good example. I have many friends such as, old friends and new friends. I have many old friends in Petchburi province but now when we come to the university. We did not stay together like in the past but we made our appointment to meet each other. So I think, my old friends and I will have a good feel and memories about the stories that we had done in the past together no matter what it is a good stories and bad stories that happened to us but we solved and understand it and have a good time together. Now I am in ABAC University. The first thing that I think before I come here is about friends. I think, friends at ABAC University is arrogant and more pretend but when I came. I need to change my opinion about friends at ABAC by I met good friends that I have not thought before. They are so kind and funny with me. They took the good stories with me. Such as, travel, eat, play, work, and etc. I think all of my old friends and new friends are the normal friends because I think the true friends are very very hard to find. But I do not care about this because I think that I have many friends like this is the biggest gift for my life.