Friday, August 22, 2008


Imagine is very important for our life because to live in the world, we need to have many of factor living. Such as, food, water, environment, imagine. Imagine can make we free from anything.
You can see many things around you such as, car, airplane, computer, telephone, and etc. All of them were produced by people who have an idea and imagine. Imagine is the main factor that can make people have an idea. They continue to make the new things. For example, in past there were two people saw the bird and they wanted to fly like a bird so they imagined how they can fly like that. They needed to make the machine with has a wing and airscrew to fly. You can see, if they did not imagine how can they fly like a bird and how to make the machine, today we will not have an airplane to fly to many place. All of people have their own imagine and many imagine of them are different. Some they imagine that they can go outside the world by themselves. Some they imagine that they can fly by themselves without the machine but they have their wings. The imagination is very important for life because if they have an imagination to do something, it will have more motivate to do it and make it to be the best. But if they have no imagination to do something, it will make their life bad and they will become bad people or people who do not have an idea or fool person. The imagine can make you smart because when you are studying and you do not understand what the teacher teach you, you have to imagine what the teacher teach to be your method. For example, you are studying biology and you do not understand so you imagine that biology to be the one situation that had happen, it will help you to understand easier than no imagine. Imagine can make everything if you try to do it because imagine is the cause of factor to have anything in the world. For example, movie, game, and etc. But the imagine can not conclude that is good because some people who are bad so they have the bad idea and imagine, they will use it in the wrong way. Such as, terrorist, thief, people who corruption. Imagine has two ways. First, the right way, if you have the good imagine, your life will be better. For example, you have an imagination that you travel around the world and you like it very much so it will make your mind go up. Then your life will be better. You can do your work very well too. Second, the wrong way, if you have an imagination with bad way, your life will be bad. You can not do anything to be good because you did not have the motivation and you only think about that. You do not have the concentrate to do it. For example, you are broken hearted by your girlfriend so you only think that how could she do it with you? That is the cause to make you sad and you life become badly and badly. You can not do anything.
Imagine is the best thing that happen in our life because it can make anything that is useful for people but it is depend on us that how can we make our imagine to be true.

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