Sunday, August 31, 2008


The communication is very important for people because when you want to do something, you can not do it by yourself and you need the help from other people. So you have to communication to other people.
In the past, there is the communication is happened for a long time until now. The communication can make everybody to understand together. The communication is an anything in your life because to communication can show that what do you want? , How do you feel? , What do you think? There are many methods to communication to each other. For example, talk, act, write, listen or etc. In my opinion, the most method that people use to communicate to each other is talking. You can see by everybody begin to talk since they are the babies. Talking is the most way that use from the past until now. It is very easy to communication. Talking can show anything what you want anybody to know. Now, there are technologies that develop to involve to the communication of people because now a day, there are the programs to chat, web site to search anything what they want to know. They can communication to each other without talking together by they did not see to each other or they can do this if they did not live at the same country. For example, John lives in America. He has friend at Thailand, his name is Aum. He wants to talk to him but he does not want to telephone to Thailand because it is very expensive so they use the program to chat on the internet. The internet is the most popular program to communication over the world. Everybody who use the internet, most of them are knowledge because they can find anything that they want to know because on the internet, there are a lot of information from many people that they post it or people who have knowledge want any people to know. For example, Bill, he is the student. He wants the information to do his work so he uses the internet to search about his work and then he can finish his report. Today, the internet comes to our life in everyday. Some people use the internet to communication to other people more than talking to other people. Now the internet is the way to communication to each other because many of teenager or people, they like to use the computer and they like to chat very much so you can see on the internet café, there are many students on there and most of them they have the e-mail address to chat to each other but to chat on the internet, sometime it can not show or answer that you want because when you have the conversation to other people, you can see the face or act that show something to you and make you to understand but to chat, you can not see like that.
The communication is everything and it is very important in our life because the communication, it shows everything to everybody that what the people who talk want the people who listen to understand.

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