Tuesday, July 8, 2008

A right to die

Today, everybody has a right to do anything or not to do anything under the law while their government uses it. For example, people have a right to live in their country, people have a right to have a car, people have a right to make a living will. So everybody can do anything what they want to do by under the law.
Everybody has their right to do. There are many rights to do or have something but when they use their right must be legal at their law and everybody please it but some of a right, there are some people are not agree because they saw it look like murder. Such as, “A right to die” is people or someone make a living will to make everybody know that he or she wants to die when he or she is in critical condition because he or she wants to help him or her leave from the world in a peaceful manner, he or she does not want to suffer. Some people do agree because if some people are in a critical condition and he or she has already make a living will to show to everybody that he or she want to die in a peaceful manner, he or she does not want to die in suffer because that person have some reason for a right to die. Such as, if some people is a father and he has already make a living will. So what did his son do with his father if his father is in the coma. He will do what his father wants to be because he loves his father, he does not want his father to suffer although his son his father very much but he need to do what his father wants. In my opinion this is right way to do about this case because if you were that son in the case, what would you do to make your father to be happy and dies not suffer. Everybody has their own right no one can not use it. They should respect the decision of his own and this method is not illegal because they make a living will that was legal under their law.
A right to die is a right for everyone under the law. If they make a living will, it is a legally. A right, it has in everybody but how many right do the people use in the right way?

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