Saturday, January 26, 2008

Freedom of speech in Thailand

In our world, people can think and talk anything that they want. Such as, people in Thailand they can share their idea together by talking because in Thailand, there is the freedom of speech.
In Thailand is governed by democracy system that is the cause of freedom of speech. I think it is good and fair for everybody to talk, to think and to do it. Freedom of speech is means the freedom about ideas, think, talk and share it together. So if each our country has freedom for talking, thinking, and ideas that will improve our country very much because the country is improve by people in their country. If people in their country have freedom of speech, they can think, can have an idea, and they can talk by freedom. They do not need to afraid about what they thought, talked. The government in their country will have more ideas and many methods to improve their country and they can solve the problem what had happen in their country very well. But if any country have no freedom of speech, they can not improve and solve the problem that had happen because if that country, there is no freedom of speech is like a one person think, solve and improve by himself but if the country, there is freedom of speech is like many people or the group of people come to share and join their ideas to solve and improve their country and they can choose the best method to do it.
In Thailand there is the culture about the King for their people. They can think about the King but they can not talk it in the bad way because in Thailand can not talk or make the King to has the bad news that I agree because I love the King too and I do not want anybody to talk about my King in the bad way. If some one do like that, he/she will be punished by heavy punishment because most of people in Thailand do not want anyone in the world talk about their King in the bad way too.
Freedom of speech is good but you have to be careful very much because if you talk with other people by without the idea or think before what should they talk or should not talk. It will be many things come back to you. For example, the fat girl who does not like everybody tells her that she is very fat girl. If you tell her like that then she will angry you and she will not be friend with you. It is good for you and your country if you think that is good or bad before you talk to everybody or other people. For example, there is the girl and she get the job with earn low money and you do not to her that she is the pool girl. It will make you look good from other people.
So freedom of speech is good for you, other people and your country if you talk with thinking before. This is very important.

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