Saturday, January 12, 2008

...Friends at ABAC...

The word “friend” is when we call other people that close to us or they have relation to us too. The meaning of the word that we call “friend” is mean some people or any people who help, do and play with us together. I think there are three kinds of friends that everybody known. First friend is normal friend. It means people who live, talk and involve to us. The second friend is fake friends. It means people who come to us and they pretend to be the good person. They would do the good thing that will show us he is a good man but when he did not live or stay with us. He maybe talks the bad thing about us or does something that is bad for us or the second friend is hope about in our money. They did not care about how we would be if they have done anything that made us become in trouble. You must not care and involve anymore about him. This is the two kind of friend that I refer to you at the title of this journal. The last kind of friend that I think is the true friend who will do anything if is to benefit with us, who will help us when we have problem, who will stand with us at the least of the time that we have. The true friend is the best friend of our friend that we have in our life. I think this of friend “true friend” is difficult to find. Someone can but someone can not. In our world, there are more normal friends than true friends. I am a good example. I have many friends such as, old friends and new friends. I have many old friends in Petchburi province but now when we come to the university. We did not stay together like in the past but we made our appointment to meet each other. So I think, my old friends and I will have a good feel and memories about the stories that we had done in the past together no matter what it is a good stories and bad stories that happened to us but we solved and understand it and have a good time together. Now I am in ABAC University. The first thing that I think before I come here is about friends. I think, friends at ABAC University is arrogant and more pretend but when I came. I need to change my opinion about friends at ABAC by I met good friends that I have not thought before. They are so kind and funny with me. They took the good stories with me. Such as, travel, eat, play, work, and etc. I think all of my old friends and new friends are the normal friends because I think the true friends are very very hard to find. But I do not care about this because I think that I have many friends like this is the biggest gift for my life.

1 comment:

Jasper said...

In your next post I would like you to talk a bit more about your good buddies. This post is a bit too general..