Friday, November 9, 2007

My first time to Australia

I thought many people in the world like Australia because Australia has more nature, beautiful city and there are many different animals. Such as, Kangaroo, Kora bear. When they have the chance to go to Australia, they don’t want to miss their trip because everybody known that Australia is the best one city in the world. So do I. It was 3 years ago. I was 15 years old. One day my uncle called me that he wanted my grandmother, my brother and I went to Perth, Australia with his family. So I was very excited because this is my first time to go to Australia. The trip was on 11-14 April, 2004. First when my brother and I knew about the trip, we needed to have passport. So that it was my first time to have passport too. This trip was the family trip so about 8 persons. I thought it was very good because we could make this trip by our by told the guide that we wanted to go there. When that day came, I couldn’t sleep that night because I was very excited. We departed from Bangkok at 5 o’clock in the morning. It took about 4 hours to Perth, Australia. During stay on the airplane, I was bored because I didn’t know what I have to do but wasn’t my brother, he only played game for a long time. When we arrived to Perth, Australia, my uncle’s children, my brother and I went outside immediately because we wanted to know the weather on there. The weather is fine and quite cold that made me fresh. First day, we went to the zoo to see the Kangaroos, Kora bears. Then guide took us on a bus and drove around the city. I like this city because there was no waste on the road and it was very clean city. After that, we went shopping. On second day in the morning, we went on the hill to see view the city on there. The weather on there is cold but it was so beautiful. We took a lot of photo. Then we went to the desert by four wheels drive car to play the sand board like ski. It was very enjoy and funny. After that we went to see the stone, this stone is different from Thailand. During we came back to city, there was an accident beside the road . So our driver helped them. He was so kind man. Then we went to the natural park. It is a big natural park. My uncle’s children, my brother and I rode a bicycle around the park and my uncle, uncle’s wife and my grandmother walked. On the third day in the morning, we went to the museum. In the museum, there was various things to see. For example, dinosaurs, animals, and etc. After that in the evening, we took a ship to see view around the city. On the last day, we came back home. Australia is the best place that I memory.

1 comment:

Jasper said...

Nice story and trip, but remember you have to write about things that are happening now. See blogging rules on English4Law