Saturday, November 3, 2007

Last weekend

Everyone especially children love and wait for weekend because it means the time to have fun. We can do the different things up to everyone behavior. So weekend is the time that everyone waiting for. So do I. last weekend, I came back home at Petchburi province. It took two hours from Bangkok to the south. There are many famous places to visit for weekend at Petchburi province. Such as King Rama the fourth’s Palace on Khao-wang. It sites on the hill, And the other place in Cha-am beach. It is a beautiful white long beach. Last weekend, my friend and I planed to visit Cha-am beach and Kho ta-lu. At Cha-am beach, we played banana boat. We fell down from banana boat into the sea many times. It made fun. After played banana boat, we rode the bicycle along the beach. By noon after lunch, we drove to Kho ta-lu. It is an island at Bangsaphan. Prachuab province, the south from Petchburi province. It took two hours from Cha-am beach. We reached there almost 2.00 p.m. At Bangsaphan, we took fifteen minutes from land to island by speed boat. When we arrived at Kho ta-lu, we all felt amazing and wonderful. It is private island, beautiful white beach, smooth wave. We didn’t want to loose the time. So we started to watch around the island by speed boat. Then we kayak boat, the water is very clear, so we could see under water lives. It is very beautiful. After kayak, we sailed. During sailing, we had got a new experience. We saw the sun set. The sky become red and orange and finally dark. It was dinner time. We prepared and had dinner on the beach. We sang, dance, played games around the fire camp. At midnight the sky was very beautiful because it was full moon night. We ended our party at 2 a.m. On Sunday morning, we woke up early because we wanted to watch the sun rise. It is beautiful too. After breakfast, we began to snorked. Speed boat brought us thirty meters far from the island to the middle deep sea. We all snorkeling. There are many sea lives under water. Such as, coral, sea animonies, star fishes, jelly fishes, fishes, crabs, shrimps, etc. We took two hours for snorkeling. After lunch, we started back home.
On the way home, we bought fruits; banana, jack fruit, pine apple, and Petchburi’s famous local dessert called “ Kha-nom Morkaeng” for our friends who didn’t come with us. We arrived Bangkok at night and had a sweet dream of our weekend at the seaside. We hope to have a wonderful weekend next time.

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