Friday, November 23, 2007

How can you improve your football skill?

Today, most of people in the world are interest in football. We can see it from there are many football contest were happened. For example, English premier league, World cup football and etc. So that make many people like football and they want to play it. In Thailand, there are many people like and play football. My old friend is a good example. He plays football everyday. He is good at in football. He likes to play football. When he has free time, he will watch TV; football program or plays game about football or plays football. I asked him why do you play football very well? How can you improve your football skill? He told me “if you want to improve your football skill.” First, ask yourself do I like football? If I like why I like it? What is the cause that made I like football? Second, you have to think who does your favorite football star? For example, if your favorite football star is David Beckham, you need to look at him and try to think why he can play football very well? Third, you need to exercise your body everyday because when you are healthy with your body, you will already to play football. Forth, you have to practice your football skill everyday because if you work hard and practice yourself continually, you will success in your job. But if you do not work hard and practice yourself continually, you will not success it and then you will upset for yourself. Don’t bore it. If you do four step that I told you. When you play football and you know yourself that you play football better than before, you have already improve your football skill. But when you ply football, you must not serious with it because football is the one kind of sport. Sport has two ways are win or lose. Sport can make people to be kind man, harmony, healthy, friendly with other people. Such as, football. You need to enjoy and play it. When you play football, feel that you are funny. Sport can make people that who lose in their game to be bad person because someone think the game end but people don’t end. If your football team lose the game, you have to think why your team were lose. Then you need to bring your lose experience to use for the next time and solve it. I think there is the one that is more effective to how can you improve your football skill, you need to have determination and self-confident when you practice or you are playing football You must not think that you can not, you can’t do it. It is impossible because when you have determination and self-confident, you will not dispirit when you lose in that game or you will play it very well in that game. So I think there are many methods to improve the football skill but it is depend on you to make the fantastic and the impossible things to become possible.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Traveling in Thailand

Thailand, In the south east Asia, that is the interesting country to visit. Thailand is exuberant natural. Thailand, there are many places that you can travel. For example, sea, forest, mountain, palace, shopping place, and etc. You can find the place in Thailand where you want to visit. If you like to visit the sea, you can go to the gulf of Thailand is in the south from Bangkok that we call “Aua-Thai” or the sea in the east of Thailand. We call “Andaman sea”. In the sea, you can see more underwater lives. Then you can go visit the island too. The famous island in Thailand is Phuket island. There are many people, many food, many things to buy. But if you don’t like to visit the sea or island, you can travel on the mountain, forest and palace. On the mountain at the north of Thailand that we call Pu ka deung mountain. This is the famous mountain in Thailand. The weather on there is cold and there are fog in the morning. I think that is a very good place to visit because the weather in Thailand is very hot but on the Pu ka deung mountain, the weather is cold. That many people like. But I think many people in the world like to visit the sea more than mountain because the sea can make people fresh, clearly and safety but mountain is dangerous and some mountain are hard to go up on there. When you visit the sea, you will see many people but on the mountain you only see trees and trees. In Thailand, there are not only mountain and sea. There are many palaces too. For example, Praram-ratchaniwait-malukathaiyawan or Wrang ban pun. I think there are a different palace in Thailand is Khao-wrang because this palace is locate on the mountain. You can see view around the city when you go on there. This palace is in Petchburi province. This palace were built by King rama the forth of Thailand. It is a very beautiful palace in Thailand. But the weather on there is not cold like the the Pu ka deung mountain because the Pu ka deung mountain is very high but Khao-wrang is short. You can walk to go on the top of the mountain. When you travel more place in Thailand enough and you find the gift or something to bring back to your girlfriend, your friend, your family. You can find it so easy by seeing near the place where you travel and the cost is cheaper than other country. But if you like the history, you need to go to Kanchanaburi province because in Kanchanaburi, there is a River Kwae bridge that made by people in the world war 2 who were the prisoner of war. I think this very pupolar place because when you go there, you will see many people on there and most of them are come from other country around the world. So I think in Thailand there are many place to travel around Thailand. On there where you visit, you will see the different things that you have never seen before that make you feel very excited ad you will like it.

Friday, November 9, 2007

My first time to Australia

I thought many people in the world like Australia because Australia has more nature, beautiful city and there are many different animals. Such as, Kangaroo, Kora bear. When they have the chance to go to Australia, they don’t want to miss their trip because everybody known that Australia is the best one city in the world. So do I. It was 3 years ago. I was 15 years old. One day my uncle called me that he wanted my grandmother, my brother and I went to Perth, Australia with his family. So I was very excited because this is my first time to go to Australia. The trip was on 11-14 April, 2004. First when my brother and I knew about the trip, we needed to have passport. So that it was my first time to have passport too. This trip was the family trip so about 8 persons. I thought it was very good because we could make this trip by our by told the guide that we wanted to go there. When that day came, I couldn’t sleep that night because I was very excited. We departed from Bangkok at 5 o’clock in the morning. It took about 4 hours to Perth, Australia. During stay on the airplane, I was bored because I didn’t know what I have to do but wasn’t my brother, he only played game for a long time. When we arrived to Perth, Australia, my uncle’s children, my brother and I went outside immediately because we wanted to know the weather on there. The weather is fine and quite cold that made me fresh. First day, we went to the zoo to see the Kangaroos, Kora bears. Then guide took us on a bus and drove around the city. I like this city because there was no waste on the road and it was very clean city. After that, we went shopping. On second day in the morning, we went on the hill to see view the city on there. The weather on there is cold but it was so beautiful. We took a lot of photo. Then we went to the desert by four wheels drive car to play the sand board like ski. It was very enjoy and funny. After that we went to see the stone, this stone is different from Thailand. During we came back to city, there was an accident beside the road . So our driver helped them. He was so kind man. Then we went to the natural park. It is a big natural park. My uncle’s children, my brother and I rode a bicycle around the park and my uncle, uncle’s wife and my grandmother walked. On the third day in the morning, we went to the museum. In the museum, there was various things to see. For example, dinosaurs, animals, and etc. After that in the evening, we took a ship to see view around the city. On the last day, we came back home. Australia is the best place that I memory.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Last weekend

Everyone especially children love and wait for weekend because it means the time to have fun. We can do the different things up to everyone behavior. So weekend is the time that everyone waiting for. So do I. last weekend, I came back home at Petchburi province. It took two hours from Bangkok to the south. There are many famous places to visit for weekend at Petchburi province. Such as King Rama the fourth’s Palace on Khao-wang. It sites on the hill, And the other place in Cha-am beach. It is a beautiful white long beach. Last weekend, my friend and I planed to visit Cha-am beach and Kho ta-lu. At Cha-am beach, we played banana boat. We fell down from banana boat into the sea many times. It made fun. After played banana boat, we rode the bicycle along the beach. By noon after lunch, we drove to Kho ta-lu. It is an island at Bangsaphan. Prachuab province, the south from Petchburi province. It took two hours from Cha-am beach. We reached there almost 2.00 p.m. At Bangsaphan, we took fifteen minutes from land to island by speed boat. When we arrived at Kho ta-lu, we all felt amazing and wonderful. It is private island, beautiful white beach, smooth wave. We didn’t want to loose the time. So we started to watch around the island by speed boat. Then we kayak boat, the water is very clear, so we could see under water lives. It is very beautiful. After kayak, we sailed. During sailing, we had got a new experience. We saw the sun set. The sky become red and orange and finally dark. It was dinner time. We prepared and had dinner on the beach. We sang, dance, played games around the fire camp. At midnight the sky was very beautiful because it was full moon night. We ended our party at 2 a.m. On Sunday morning, we woke up early because we wanted to watch the sun rise. It is beautiful too. After breakfast, we began to snorked. Speed boat brought us thirty meters far from the island to the middle deep sea. We all snorkeling. There are many sea lives under water. Such as, coral, sea animonies, star fishes, jelly fishes, fishes, crabs, shrimps, etc. We took two hours for snorkeling. After lunch, we started back home.
On the way home, we bought fruits; banana, jack fruit, pine apple, and Petchburi’s famous local dessert called “ Kha-nom Morkaeng” for our friends who didn’t come with us. We arrived Bangkok at night and had a sweet dream of our weekend at the seaside. We hope to have a wonderful weekend next time.