Saturday, December 1, 2007

Music is life

Today, in our life, there are music and we need it because most of people listen to music for a long time per a day or they often listen to music per a day. I am a good example. I like music. When I have free time, I like to listen to music. I can play music too. When I listen or play music, I feel happy, enjoy and confident to do something. Sometime when I did homework, I need to listen to music because when I listen to music, I can concentrate and do it very well. Music can make you fresh and make your life become better because if you do something but you can not concentrate, music can help you by listen or play it. I can play guitar that I think it is good for me because if you can do or play something special, it will make that person be a special person too. When I am playing guitar, sometime I feel I am living inside it, sometime I feel that music and I are be the one. Music can make you enjoy, fresh, feel good and can make you upset too. It has many benefit. Some kind of music can make people fight together. Some kind of music can make friend. Music is life mean our life need music. We can not lack it. When someone lost music. It mean that person is not friendly ( can’t be friend with him ). For example, today many people listen to music almost a day. You will see by anyone who is walking and on their ears, it has an earphone with MP3 or telephone because today, telephone can listen to music too like MP3, radio or CD. This is a good example for music is life but it has bad example too. Such as some people listen to music during they are studying. I think if there are no music no one listen or ply music, what will happen with us? I think the world will become like a dark color. Some people have not had good idea for make new things. Some people will become cruel because the music like a medicine that can help people who is a patient but music help the mind of people who have it in their mind or understand it. I think music is the best that help and make people good. Music can change people to have an opposite life that they have not had before. But you need to be careful because music can bring you addicted to drug because when you listen or play music, you need to moody for it. If you addicted to drug, it is easy to make mood to play and listen to music. Especially, country music and reggae. For example some musician addicted to drug “Bob Maray” he addicted to drug. So music can make you be a good man but you need to be careful about an emotion and music can be the power of your life to persuade you to continue.

1 comment:

Jasper said...

What kind of musisc or bands do you listen to?