Thursday, June 19, 2008

Study more effectively

Study is the way that all of the people in the world need because study can make people who study to be clever and certainly if you are hard working or more study, you will be the clever person.
How can I study more effectively. Every student have their own learning style because may be it is depend on their habit or about something that can make their to have own learning style. Such as, the person A like to study by give an example to make him to understand. The person B like to read and study by the meaning of the word to make him to understand. For me I think “how to study more effectively” are First, try to develop an interest in the subject because if you are not interested in the subject, you will not have attention on it and you will get lose in that subject but if you are interested in the subject, you will have an attention on it and you will like to study it and do it very well. For example, you are interested in English subject then you like to study it and after you finish study, you have to read the story with English language or find out the activity to do because you like it and you want to do it. Second, prepare yourself before you are going to study by read that subject or do the activity or find out the meaning of the word. For example, you prepare yourself by read the text about Law subject at night and try to understand it then tomorrow, you study that subject. When the teacher talked, you will understand it by quick more than other person. Third, after you studied when you come back home, you have to read and repeat that what this subject or the story talk about and what is the teacher told in the story. After that, you have to make notes about the main idea that you find or remember or mark the word to make the prominent point that is important. Forth, when you are studying, you have to concentrate and only listen to the teacher. Do not play or do something else between you are learning and the teacher is teaching. Fifth, ask to yourself questions to help you to understand that story or the subject. For example, you study about science subject then you make that question by yourself that “Why it was happen? What is this? Or etc.” After that, you have to ask the teacher or find out by yourself in the library or the book and on the internet. The last, try to think and make many ideas to improve you to study may be ask to the other people who is good at for studying or try it by yourself then you have to bring the new idea and old idea that you used to use and make it to be together. I think “this is good to develop your knowledge and study.
I think “to study more effectively” it depend on yourself that how much that you have an attention to study. Because if you have already an attention to study, there are many ideas and methods will come up to help you to study more effectively.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

How can I improve my reading skill.

Now a day, most of people in world, they do not like to read a lot because most of them tell “reading is very boring” and some people have a short concentrate to read or do something and most of people like to do more than sit on the chair and stay in the room and reading because I think if you are reading, you only sit and sit. It is very boring but if you work or do something outside or inside. It makes you to enjoy more than reading.
Reading is very important because reading can make you have more knowledge. Reading can make you see anything with wide vision. I think these are the methods to improve reading. First, keep in practice. For example, when you have to improve something in your skill, you should to do it very often that can make you to easy to do it again. Such as, playing game but you do not good at for game. If you play game everyday or very often that will make you to improve and finally you will good at for that game like to improve reading if you keep in practice everyday, you will good at. Second, you have to think or make the idea or technique more than one because the problem, it has to have many ways to solve. For example, when you are reading a book, you see the main idea. You should to write it on the paper that can make you to easy to understand and make you have reading speed because if you know what is the main idea and then you finish reading and you can not remember the main idea or something that it is very important, you have to read it again. Third, you have to know more vocabularies because if you do not know vocabulary when you read a book or something, you can not get the main idea or something and you will not understand it. You have to increase the vocabulary. When you do not know at this vocabulary while you are reading, you should to use the dictionary to find the meaning of the word and make note for it to recognize that word. The vocabulary is very important to improve reading because to understand the story or something that you read, need to have more vocabularies. But if you are reading something and you find the vocabulary that you do not know and you do not have the dictionary, you should to use the word around that vocabulary and the sentence to guess the meaning of the word.
All of the methods that I show you it is the one is very important and it is the most effective to read is to make your mind to know that you love to read, you are already to read, you want to read it and then you will have a concentrate to read. You can get the information from reading because when you make your mind to do something, the thing that you do will be good.